Constitution Society--best site on the web for Constitution info, books and just about everything else
Gun Owners of America---"the only no compromise pro-gun group in Washington"
Jeff Chan's Firearm Page--excellent source of pro-gun info
U.S. Taxpayers Party--uncompromising, principled, Constitutional, unlike the Republican party.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership---staunchly pro-gun, no holds barred group
Home Page---largest pro-gun
organization, great info, presently compromise,
particularly with instant federal gun registration,
referred to as instant background check
Douglas Davis--pro-gun info
Caliber Shooter's Association---info
on .50 caliber weapons
(Buy one NOW! And buy a second one for a friend.
But, buy from an individual, not a dealer.)
Prairienet, .50 Caliber Info---more info on .50 caliber weapons
Gospel Plow--Christian's Guide to Small Arms, and other stuff
Focus on the Family--how can you save the country when your family is a wreck? Here's help.